
What is Native?

We define a native, or indigenous plant as a species that has been recorded at the time of early settlement in this area, about 300 years ago. Oftentimes, stores and nurseries use the tem “wildflower” to describe those plants that can be found along roadsides and old fields. This term may be confusing and apply to plants that have been naturalized in the area, but their origins may be from Europe or Asia.

Cultivars and Varieties

There are many cultivars and varieties of plants sold in garden centers, big box stores and conventional nurseries. These are plants that have been specifically bred and propagated to have endearing qualities, such as weeping, dwarf or variegated. We encourage you to install only native species of plants for the benefit for wildlife. Straight native species can be more disease resistant, preserve the size, shape and color that insects and birds recognize and usually need less maintenance and care.

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When purchasing plant material from places other than a 100% native nursery, look at the plant label; it should have a genus and species name only. If that genus and species is followed by another, usually descriptive word(s), then it is a cultivated variety, or cultivar. Examples would Echinacea purpurea ‘White Swan’ and Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’. These depict species, native or not, that have been selected and bred by man to embrace a particular characteristic, in these cases, different colors than their original source plants. These cultivars may not have the same odor, nectar, height and nutrients that a straight native would possess, so are less desirable for wildlife.

Naturally Native Nursery grows ONLY straight native species for landscaping, wildlife, low-maintenance and beautification. We encourage our customers to add native species to their existing landscape or install a garden or two to attract and help sustain our wildlife as they migrate or set up home! It just makes sense.


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